So I have put everything on the back burner. We have had a lot of things happen and has not been for the good. I strongly believe in KRAMA. Well it has hit us. I recently lost, quit or whatever you want to call it my job , because I had found the "Job of My Dreams" you may have also heard if it sounds to go to be true it is...I found that out the hard way. I put my 2 weeks in at Lowes thinking that I have made a great choice that would help my family with the amount of money I would be making. WRONG My so called "friend" that offered me the job, called and told me that he would not hire me because I have kids in which he new the whole time. So I found the guts to call Lowes and ask for my job back, well they said that they can't take my 2 weeks back because they have not let other employee's do it so it is only fair which i agree with. So here I sit with no job and stress out my back end that is not good.
What I am getting at is how supportive Chris has been (like always) with me trying to find another job. He has been the hand that is holding me up. I can't think of any other person that would do the same for me. He has recently pickup cycling and with that him, his brother and sister just completed a TRI at DayBreak and the received first place. Looking back I have made a lot of bad chooses and I feel that quitting Lowe's has been the hardest one yet. Mom tells me that she did not feel good about me taking that other job so she but my name on the pray role And that this aloud a higher power step in and kept me safe and I look back and not all that was said and or done with this job added up. So I am looking for work and it is not to easiest journey that I have on but I have learned 2 things is how much I love Chris and when is sounds to good to be true it is. Oh and I guess your parents are always right.....