What happened???

Remember when you were sitting in class in high school and think how you can not wait to be done with school. And can not wait to living on your own, not having to answer to anyone. Well I remember how great it would be. But then there are those things that no ones tell you anything about like bills, finding the right place to live, having the right job, and then starting a family. Why is that we do not tell are youth about this? I do not remember have being told how hard life is. There was one thing that stands out the must in my mind is my mother saying" I can not wait for you to have kids, cause you will be just like me." Ha Ha why would I want to be like my mom? She did not know what she is talking about. Well guess what I am finding out that there are so many things that I do that she did with me that I do to my kids. I know that I will never live to be half the person that she is. But I know now how right she was about life....

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